Illumined Ways Services


Maiden, Mother, Crone … graduations…earning a degree… starting your own business… special promotions…milestone birthdays… These are a few examples of the rites-of-passage we move through during our lifetime. Important times deserve recognition! Feel free to contact me with your own ideas or to ask for help in creating a customized rite-of-passage ceremony for yourself or a loved one. 

Transition Assistance and Memorial Services 

The transition process and death of a loved one is a very personal matter, a delicate time when understanding, kindness, and compassion are needed. I will arrive at your home, hospital, or nursing home to provide comfort and prayer support for your loved one during their transition process. My training and experience as both a Chaplain and Hospice volunteer enables me to offer gentle support for family members as well.

Memorial Services, grave-site services, and ceremonies honoring the anniversary date of transitions, are also offered through my ministry. Please contact me for assistance.

Sacred Space Clearing & House Blessings

Anytime one physically moves into new space is the perfect time to consider having the area cleared, cleansed, and blessed.  Whether your home, office, or personal workspace, you can arrange to have me energetically clear and cleanse your space. Using my gift of clairsentience, along with a variety of sacred tools, I will work to remove existing negativity, cleanse your space, and get stagnant energy moving again. You’ll feel the difference immediately! After your space has been cleared, cleansed, and blessed, I’ll provide you with tips on how to preserve the sacred energy of your new space.  Contact me for more information, fees, or to schedule an appointment.

Sacred Healing & Drumming Circles

The drum is the instrument of the heart. The very first memory we have of sound is the heartbeat of our mother while we were in her womb.  Studies prove sound both comforts and heals, and the rhythmic beat  of a drum is transformative. Drumming takes us deep within the inner realms to a peaceful, transcendent state – one of complete presentness & bliss. The best part: no experience needed!!! Drumming and Healing Circles are one of my specialties. I am available by appointment to facilitate any size Circle.  Contact me to schedule.

Spiritual Empowerment Coaching

Using a combination of intuitive techniques, I help empower individuals by assisting them in reconnecting with their own sacred inner authority.  Empowerment Sessions can be held either in person or via the phone.Call or email to inquire about fees and to schedule an appointment.

Couples/Relationship/Mediation Counseling

Safe, loving, non-combative communication is essential to all relationships desiring growth. Just as a garden needs tending, so do our relationships. Whether marriage, partnership, or friendship, every relationship needs care and attention to thrive. I help couples to “see” where ownership and responsibility belong. Couples learn to communicate respectfully and effectively. These 90-min. sessions are held in person.  Please call or e-mail to schedule an appointment.

Intuitive Readings

For those wishing insight into personal issues, I offer Intuitive Readings. These sessions (approx. 45-60 min. in length) are not meant to predict or forecast the future, rather they are the result of me tapping into your energy field, retrieving information, and bringing it back to share with you.  Intuitive Readings are held in person.  Call or e-mail to schedule.

Shamanic Astrology Readings

Learn what the Astrological Signs, Archetypes, Planets, & Elements reveal about your past, present and future. Based on one’s natal/birth chart, these Shamanic astrological readings are personalized interpretations of your Life Path Script Readings may be held either in person or via the phone and include copies of your natal chart and all relevant materials.  Exact location and time of birth are needed. Fee: $155. *These readings are based on the works of Daniel Giamario & Cayelin Castel. 

*Note: Service fees depend upon circumstances and need.
Please call or email me to discuss.
(703) 988-9646 or

“Just as global organizations such as the United Nations have translators
who allow people of different dialogues to converse in oneness, Sharon is truly
a spiritual translator who helps people converse with their divine soul essence.

Often times exploring our inner spirituality is like learning a new language.
Through her life’s devotion to the pursuit of wisdom of ancient priestess healing
techniques, mantras, and rituals, Sharon inspires students and clients to
explore the consciousness, energy and vibration of the realms within themselves.
As priestess, teacher, healer and illuminator Sharon is truly gifted at helping people
open and creatively tap into new levels of awareness of their inner spiritual resources.

As a spiritual translator Sharon is a beautiful earth angel who helps people
link with their inner divinity. Sharon is fluent at teaching soul talk.”

—Rev. Jayne Howard Feldman